MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (2024)


MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (3)

Articles / Commander / Legacy / Modern

16, May, 24

Riley Hicks

Article at a Glance

Modern Horizons 3, or MH3 for short, has had a very unusual spoiler season. Outside of a brief First Look, MTG players shouldn’t have seen anything major up to this point. Thanks to a deluge of leaks, however, the official spoilers for Modern Horizons 3 have started surprisingly early!

Following the smorgasbord of leaks, Wizards of the Coast surprisingly confirmed many of them to be genuine. Discussing the situation and providing higher-quality images for a few cards, Wizards let the genie out of the bottle. Due to this, many of the leaked cards are now presumed to be genuine, however, not everything is 100% authenticated.

While the leaks may have spoiled the show, the official spoiler season for Modern Horizons 3 is almost upon us. Officially scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 21st, the Wizards-sanctioned reveals are just a few days away. Before then, there are still a huge number of official, and unofficial, Modern Horizons 3 spoilers to admire.

So, without any further ado, here are all the Modern Horizons 3 spoilers and cards that we’ve seen so far.

Modern Horizons 3 Mythic Spoilers

MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (5)

Typically, the mythic cards for any given MTG set are the biggest bombs and strongest cards around. Unsurprisingly, this trend appears to have continued with Modern Horizons 3 as the set is loaded with incredibly powerful cards. Between Planeswalkers, Eldrazi monsters, and many simply fantastic cards, there are a lot of exciting cards to see.

From what we’ve seen so far, most of the mythic cards in Modern Horizons 3 are Eldrazi cards. Between Emrakul, the World Anew, Herigast, Erupting Nullkite, and Ugin’s Labyrinth this archetype is getting a great deal of support. On top of this trio, there are sure to be plenty of other mythic cars that aren’t colorless spaghetti monsters.

Proving this point, Wizards has revealed Ajani, Nacatl Pariah


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",'0'); });, as the first card of a five-card cycle. Harkening back to Magic Origins, this new Ajani is a double-faced “flip walker” who doesn’t really seem Modern playable. Currently, the rest of this cycle has not yet been officially spoiled, but it has been leaked in its entirety.

On top of these cycles, Modern Horizons 3 also includes plenty of other mythic rarity cards. Or, at least, it will, once they all get revealed. Only one colored non-planeswalker card has been revealed thus far, as you can see below.

Every Modern Horizons 3 Mythic Spoiler


  • Ajani, Nacatl Pariah


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  • None officially spoiled yet


  • Nethergoyf


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  • None officially spoiled yet


  • None officially spoiled yet


  • Emrakul, the World Anew


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  • Herigast, Erupting Nullkite
  • or

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    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Ugin’s Labyrinth


    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

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    Modern Horizons 3 Rare Spoilers

    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (6)

    Given there’s a lot more of them, Wizards has unsurprisingly been more forthcoming about the set’s rare cards. Debuting two cycles and a handful of other powerful cards, there are a lot of exciting cards to see. Of course, given the scale of the leaks, a lot of rare Modern Horizons 3 cards can be found online, but we’ll get to those later.

    So far, the most interesting, and scary, cycle of rare Modern Horizons 3 cards are the new Flare cards. Capable of being played for free, by sacrificing a non-token creature of the appropriate color, these cards have obscene format-warping potential. Currently, only two cards from this cycle have been officially revealed, however, two more have been leaked.

    Complimenting the cycle of Modern Horizons 3 free spells, there is also a fantastic cycle of reprints. Specifically, Fetch Lands are being reprinted in Modern Horizons 3. Currently, it has been confirmed that at least the five allied Fetch Lands will be reprinted. It’s unclear if the five enemy-colored lands will be getting reprints too at this time.

    Unsurprisingly, there are a lot more than just two cycles of rare cards in Modern Horizons 3. In total, the set should contain around 78 rare cards. Within this haul, it appears that many will be Eldrazi-focused, but each color will be getting healthy support too. From what has been leaked so far, it appears many rare Modern Horizons 3 cards are call-based to past fan favorites, even some Reserved List cards!

    Every Modern Horizons 3 Rare Spoiler


    • Phalia, Exuberant Shepherd


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    ",'0'); });
  • Orim’s Chant
  • Blue

    • Flare of Denial

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Kappa Cannoneer
  • Black

    • Chthonian Nightmare

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

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    • Laelia, the Blade Reforged


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    • Flare of Cultivation

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Sylvan Safekeeper
  • Colorless

    • Nulldrifter

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Winter Moon
  • Multicolor

    • Kudo, King Among Bears


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  • Psychic Frog
  • Wight of the Reliquary
  • Land

    • Bloodstained Mire

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Flooded Strand
  • Polluted Delta
  • Windswept Heath
  • Wooded Foothills
  • Modern Horizons 3 Uncommon Spoilers

    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (7)

    Thanks to the introduction of Play Boosters, uncommon cards are almost the most plentiful in the entire set. In total, 100 uncommon cards can be found in Modern Horizons 3 packs. Since so few of these cards have been officially spoiled, so far, it’s difficult to discern cycles and trends right now.

    That being said, a trend throughout all of Modern Horizons 3 is Eldrazi cards. Thanks to this, multiple Eldrazi-themed uncommon cards have been revealed. Several of these cards utilize the Devoid mechanic from Battle for Zendikar, so they’re not all completely colorless. Despite this mechanic opening up the design space not every uncommon Modern Horizons 3 card is Eldrazi themed.

    Every Modern Horizons 3 Uncommon Spoiler


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Kozilek’s Unsealing


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    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Meltdown


    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Spawn-Gang Commander
  • Green

    • Priest of Titania

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Wumpus Aberration
  • Colorless

    • Breaker of Creation

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • It That Heralds the End
  • Null Elemental Blast
  • Multicolor

    • Scurry of Gremlins


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    • Wastes

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

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  • Urza’s Cave
  • Modern Horizons 3 Common Spoilers

    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (8)

    In total, there will reportedly be 101 unique common cards appearing in Modern Horizons 3. Since these cards are typically the least interesting, unless you’re a paper player, very few have been revealed thus far. Currently, only two common Modern Horizons 3 cards have been officially spoiled, although plenty more have been leaked.

    Despite only two cards being officially revealed, so far, we have been given a hint about another. According to MTG designer Gavin Verhey, Modern Horizons 3 features a common card so powerful that it will require banning. Speaking in a recent news post, Verhey explains this card is “Like a card we have banned in the past.” Currently, this mysterious and powerful card has not yet been spoiled.

    Every Modern Horizons 3 Common Spoiler


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Corrupted Shapeshifter


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    • None officially spoiled yet


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Writhing Chrysalis


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    • None officially spoiled yet

    Modern Horizons 3 Reprints

    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (9)

    As we’ve mentioned throughout this article already, Modern Horizons 3 features a multitude of reprints. Found at various rarities, these reprints are great news for fiance fans and Modern players alike. Not only will these reprints bring prices down, but they also introduce new cards to Modern.

    Throughout Modern Horizons 3, a major theme is making once Commander-exclusive cards Modern playable. This is the case for cards like Kappa Cannoneer which was first printed in Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander. Alongside these reprints, many already Modern-Legal cards, such as the Fetch Lands, are being reprinted too.

    From what we’ve seen so far, the new-to-Modern reprints in Modern Horizons 3 each have a watermark. This watermark shows the set symbol of the card’s original printing.

    Every Modern Horizons 3 Reprint


    • Orim’s Chant


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    • Kappa Cannoneer

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

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    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Meltdown


    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Laelia, the Blade Reforged
  • Green

    • Priest of Titania

    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Sylvan Safekeeper
  • Colorless

    • None officially spoiled yet


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Bloodstained Mire


    [tooltips content = \'hello, wp\']wordpress[/tooltips]

    ",'0'); });
  • Flooded Strand
  • Polluted Delta
  • Windswept Heath
  • Wooded Foothills
  • Modern Horizons 3 Commander Spoilers

    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (10)

    On top of all the Modern-legal cards, Modern Horizons 3 is going above and beyond its namesake. In an unusual twist, Modern Horizons 3 also has accompanying Commander decks. In total, four Commander decks are released alongside the main set, each offering fifteen brand-new cards.

    Currently, only four of the new Commander cards from Modern Horizons 3 have been revealed. The rest of the Commander-exclusive cards are set to be revealed toward the end of the set’s spoiler season. Specifically, Modern Horizons 3 Commander spoilers will be revealed on the 28th, 29th, and 30th of May.

    Every Modern Horizons 3 Commander Spoiler


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • March from Veils Vel


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    • Final Act

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    • Siege-Gang Lieutenant


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    • None officially spoiled yet


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • None officially spoiled yet


    • Planar Nexus


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    Modern Horizons 3 Leaked Cards

    While we’ve listed all of the confirmed Modern Horizons 3 cards, and a few of the leaked ones, there are a lot more unofficially leaked cards that have appeared across the internet in recent times.

    Notably, as with all leaks, there’s a high chance that not every one of these leaks will be real. This was confirmed to be the case for one card in particular that massively concerned the community; Brainstorm. Thankfully, this card is not being made Modern-legal in Modern Horizons 3.

    For the most part, many of the leaks we’ve seen appear to be the real deal, with all the details in the right places. That being said, it’s well worth being somewhat skeptical about the cards below, as they’ve not yet been officially confirmed. When, or if, they are, they’ll take their rightful place above.

    For now, here’s a compilation of every leaked Modern Horizons 3 card we’ve seen so far:

    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (11)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (12)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (13)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (14)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (15)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (16)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (17)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (18)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (19)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (20)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (21)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (22)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (23)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (24)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (25)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (26)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (27)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (28)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (29)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (30)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (31)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (32)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (33)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (34)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (35)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (36)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (37)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (38)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (39)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (40)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (41)
    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (42)
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    MTG Modern Horizons 3 Spoilers, Cards, Leaks (2024)


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