In signed affidavits filed with the U.S. court, Jessie Marie Czebotar claims that she witnessed Hillary Clinton and other well-known people engaged in deviant perversions when she was a little girl.


Czebotar personally witnessed Elon Musk being sexually violated with an artifact tied to a Jesus statue. She has revealed comprehensive details about hidden military programs involving child abuse and crimes against humanity.

Ms. Czebotar detailed a scheme known as the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars. She has been inside top-secret military establishments and can accurately describe their interior layouts.

She aims to testify before the subcommittee investigating the Federal Government's weaponization. There is a rising wave of public support online and on social media among American citizens urging Congress to officially hear Czebotar's testimony under oath.

The identified information suggests that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has a hidden history, having been trained by Satanists during her childhood, and is purportedly a covert weapon for a foreign power

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on January 23, 2024 – USA

  1. Background of Amy Coney Barrett: Amy Coney Barrett, aged 51, was appointed as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court in October 2020 by President Donald J. Trump.

  2. Decision Regarding the U.S-Mexico Border: On January 22, 2024, Barrett voted, along with four other Justices, to permit Border Patrol agents to manipulate or remove razor wire installed by the State of Texas on the U.S-Mexico border. This decision raised queries from many Americans.

  3. Allegations Against Barrett by Jessie Marie Czebotar: Jessie Marie Czebotar, a federal RICO witness, claimed that she witnessed secret crimes against children committed by high-level officials and world leaders during ceremonies and rituals. Czebotar stated that Barrett when she was also a child, was present during these alleged "ritual abuse" and "murder" incidents. These claims are detailed in sworn affidavits prepared by Czebotar, some of which have been entered into a federal court case in Minnesota and shared with various authorities, including the U.S. Army's Criminal Investigation Division, the Texas Governor, and the attorneys of President Donald J. Trump.

  4. Secret Identity and Petition to Congress: Czebotar revealed Barrett's supposed secret identity and petitioned the U.S. Congress through Representative Jim Jordan to testify before the Weaponization of the Federal Government subcommittee.

  5. Communication From a Former Judge: In October 2021, former Minnesota Government Judge Randi Lynn Erickson informed the Governor of Texas about FEMA funds being redirected through Webb County to private contractors involved in human trafficking and payments to assassination teams. This communication included the transmission of affidavits from Jessie Marie Czebotar to Governor Abbott.


“I testify for the record that Callista Gingrich was present on several occasions at Luciferian Underground Cities. I testify that Callista is a worker of Light Energy and White Magik witchcraft. I testify that her ritual name is Clandestine.

I testify that she was around ages 16-20 when I encountered her and experienced her using this magik. I testify that she was aware of the Dark side workers of the System that commits crimes against children. I testify to times in my life where she used her white magik to cover up the wounds and injuries caused by Dark Side of the System Members to me,”Czebotarsaid.

“I witnessed her teaching younger sisters of light such as (Amy Coney Barrett) how to interact, speak, and connect with fallen angels they called Paladians to capitalize on energy use in white magik.

This occurred in Emerald City under the Pentagon and in various areas around Madison and WI area including Blue Mounds and Baraboo, WI. Callista was between ages of 16-20 and Amy was ages 8-12. c)

I testify for the record that Callista Gingrich and her husband Newt were present at some of the events I experienced through the Luciferian Brotherhood System that caused harm and injury to children in Government Experiments, Projects, Programs and in End Time Ritual Preparations.

Newt Gingrich was present at some of the d) Looking Glass, Star Wars Now, Genesis 6, Phoenix and Voice of God Project Sessions with Colin A. Ross and Bennett Braun,”Czebotarsaid.



In a 27-pageaffidavitJessieCzebotarprovided the world details of WHO our leaders truly were/are, WHAT they do, WHERE they do it, WHY they do it, and HOW they do it.VIEWJESSIECZEBOTARAFFIDAVIT

“I testify that in 1981-1984 I witnessed the grotesque abuse of the hierarchy children named under section 4 as well as the ritual abuse and murder of hundreds of thousands of children the System considered expendable at Cathedral of St Peter and the above-named Government facilities and Community Facilities,”Czebotarsaid.

“I testify that Clara Odelia Acker Church murdered 1000 children a month in front of my face because I refused to participate in ritual killings from age 4 till age 7. My coping and grace was to count each one and keep a tally. The majority of these deaths occurred on the property or in the tunnel ritual areas under Cathedral of St Peter,”Czebotarsaid.


“Out of those 1000 deaths a month, this one was the most impactful. We were at a Feast Ritual in the spring of 1984 at St Peter’s Rockford Church in the main Underground Ritual area. I was 6 years old.

They had a huge 15 foot or longer thick wood table set up to feast at. They brought out several children around age 8- 10, boys and girls and laid them with their hands and feet tied across the table width wise. Their heads were on top table and their feet hanging over.

I was standing at the head of the table on the left side with my Proctor, Clara Odelia Acker Church. I remember there were Elite men who came into the ritual room from the tunnel system underneath the sanctuary with white chef like coats and hats.

They were laughing and joking. Some of the faces I remember in the white coats were George H. Bush, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. They were some of the High Priests presiding over the ceremony. Men who were their Protestors/Assassins in the System had secured the children by rope to the table.

I remember Clara Odelia Acker Church and the Mothers of darkness dressed in their black ceremonial robes. Clara had a ceremonial Sunburst head dress that was made of aborted fetus skulls that she wore every year for the Marion Feast May 1stto celebrate the Queen of Heaven. That head dress was kept under the altar in the main sanctuary at the Cathedral of St peter in Rockford, IL along with the five Books of the Mothers.

These books are preserved for specific end time rituals and are made of human skin with human hair binding. All the pages are blank but when the right person’s blood is applied the spell on the pages shows up.

[caption id="attachment_7815" align="aligncenter" width="478"]


Viking Symbols: Meanings of all Norse Emblems[/caption]

My blood is linked to one of those books. (See Exhibits C & D) Returning to memory, Clara Odelia Acker approached George H. Bush with a box that contained what I can best describe as three ancient surgical tools sitting in what looked like red velvet. George H. Bush took the tools that looked like a curved machete, the length was about half an adult’s arm length.

I submit for the record that these children are not given pain meds. They did have a paralyzing drug. They are fully conscious. The tool was displayed above the children’s faces so they could see what was coming.

Then they were told they would be dinner. Women in the group began to gather plates and set the table around the children just on the one long side.

There were some other tables present that the lower members sat at. I believe there were about 10 people sitting at the long table I was at. After the table was set and the taunting was finished George cut the top of the skull off the first child and using a different tool that was kind of like a melon baller, served pieces of his brain slowly so the child knew he was being eaten alive.

George H. Bush, served other members at the table, including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, Msg Thomas Brady, the Cheney’s, the Pence’s, and the Kerry’s- George H. Bush moved from one child to the next as High priests and Priestesses from the surrounding tables began to line up and he served the children’s brains and other body parts like a Holiday meal,”Czebotarsaid.


JESSIE MARIE CZEBOTAR: CASPER, WYOMING AFFIDAVIT FINAL DRAFT – “There are those who wish they could die, but death eludes them. There are places underground that literally are living hell”

pwsbuilderOctober 17, 2023

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 16, 2023 – USA

We havereceiveda final draft copy ofJessieMarieCzebotar’saffidavitconcerning Casper, Wyoming, and that areas connection to international cries against humanity by foreign military operating on American soil.


Affidavitof Truthful Testimony ofJessieMarieCzebotar

  • I (JessieMarieCzebotar) sworn under the pains and penalty of perjury claim the following facts to be truth. And that I am of age, of sound mind, and competent to put these facts upon the record.

  • I would like to submit upon the record the following to be added to previous testimony inaffidavitform. I am sharing further because it is my belief that these are matters of National Security as the Luciferian Brotherhood and their Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars continues to commit crimes of rape, torture, satanic ritual and murder, trafficking, adrenochrome and hormone harvesting, organ harvesting, and cannibalism against children and humanity. More concerning is the Brotherhood and Sovereign Military’s control over decommissioned Poseidon Missiles filled with bio-chemical warfare. The memories I’d like to share deal with crimes against children and humanity that I experienced and witnessed being committed by Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars in the Yellowstone National Park area and Casper, Wyoming regional area.


PART 1: Areas and Modes of Operation Through National Parks and Forests

In thisaffidavit, I’d like to bring forward additional areas and modes of operation used by the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars that I witnessed from 1981-1987.

Those involved in the Brotherhood are part of a System. This System is run and managed regionally by the System’s five departments which include: Masons, Mormons, Jesuit Catholics, Satanists, and Kabbalah.

The Quadrant heads who are part of the Satanic Council, Grand High Priests and Grand High Priestesses, and their regional heads (High Priests and Priestesses) are Nazis and serve a foreign government and military. That foreign government and military being the Luciferian Brotherhood.

At the top of the Luciferian Brotherhood System, you have two governing bodies that oversee the quadrants. The old System was known as the Babylon System and was financially backed by the Vatican.

It was symbolized by the color blue and known as Rome. The old system is currently being transferred to the new system which is called the Leviathan System and financially backed by the Sanhedrin in Israel.

This system is also called Judah and recognized by the color red. This change of power can be recognized regionally. Previously, each regional territory was recognized by circular city sigils that were placed at the entrances of cities and on governmental buildings.

These sigils established the demonic authorities over the area and the Brotherhood orders that would be governing in those areas. The new signs are rectangular. They simply have the city name and do not show which Brotherhood Orders have authority in the area.

In Yellowstone, we see such a sigil as you enter the park. The sigil is in the form of a spear-head pointed downward. In the middle we see imagery of a white buffalo, a tree, and mountains. (See Exhibit A)

What does this tell the upper Brotherhood members about who in the Brotherhood has authority and jurisdiction over the area? First, we see the gate of Baal at the upper Northwest area of the National Park.(See Exhibit B)

This gate tells us that Baal is one of the main deities worshipped at Yellowstone. We know Biblically from history that Baal also demands child and blood sacrifice.

It also tells us there are spiritual gate connections to Babylon and other locations where the gates of Baal are erected. There are three main Brotherhood orders that have upper authority and jurisdiction in Yellowstone.

[caption id="attachment_5224" align="aligncenter" width="520"]


The wooden entrance sign to Yellowstone National Park, USA.[/caption]

First, the Order of Odin: this is symbolized in the Yellowstone Sigil by the mountain peaks that represent the mountains of Ragnarök where the Brotherhood members of this order believe Odin reigns.

  1. This means that the Yellowstone area will be connected and working with the three Military Bases I’ve testified about that are called Ragnarök. So that includes: The DUMB in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, the DUMB off Greenland known as Antarctica up there, and the South Pole DUMB known also as Antarctica or Antarctica down there. There are two more Bases I know to be connected to this area. One is NORAD. The other is NELLIS Air Force Base.

  2. Additionally, we see the spear of Odin signified in the shape of the sigil.(See Exhibits C-D)This same shape was used in the building and design of Wewelsburg Castle which was one of Hitler’s main bases of operation. You can see it in the ariel geographical view of the castle.(See Exhibit E)So, what does this tell us about Yellowstone? It tells us there is a Nazi main base of operation underground facility located underground that is connected to Wewelsburg Castle. As a child, I experienced these locations being used as main bases of operation and strategy by the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order. Brotherhood of Odin Symbols used by Nazis at Wewelsburg Castle:https://www.mimisbrunnr.info/ksd-nazi-germany-and-extremist-symbols

  3. We see this territory marked by the Brotherhood of Odin in the names of the waterfalls. I have outlined how I witnessed these areas being used by the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military in 1981-1987. I witnessed an underground tunnel network and transportation system, as well as different Nazi facilities under Yellowstone National Park.(See Map of Falls)

  4. The main entrance to the secret city of Asgard being located near Asgard Falls. The sign of Asgard being the representation of the falls and of the tower of Asgard in the Tower Falls. Other entrances are located across the bridge (now called Chittenden Bridge)(See Exhibit F)at the Upper Falls, and a lower underwater entrance at Isolation Falls by the waterfall called the Midst of Trident Falls.

There were two concerns about this area. First,Trident Falls is one of the locations where one of the underground decommissioned Poseidon Missiles filled with bio-chemical warfare was seen.

If it were to be set off, it would affect Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho areas through the waterways. We would enter underground caverns under the water at Isolation Falls.(See Exhibit G)

There is a spiritual gate in the water there that also has direct connections to Karpathos Island in Greece and several other temples where priestesses worship in the System as outlined in the Greenbrier and Alton Towersaffidavits.

  1. The Foxhole Falls is over the underground DEN I witnessed in the 1980s where the Protectors in the System who are wolves would meet and train. Wolves are a position that is considered an upper Sovereign Military select order. They will be assigned to protect elite members in the area or provide peripheral protection for human hunting parties and rituals in the area. The Midst of Trident Falls is one of the areas above ground where the “wolves” spear fish humans during hunts. The name of the falls signifies what is permitted in that area. The DEN is also the area where local Sovereign Military connected to the KKK will meet. All Dragons (Dragon is a regional leader name for the KKK) have DENS.

  2. Apron Falls signifies an area where the brotherhood and Sovereign Military can “sow their seed”. The apron in Masonry is seen as a “holy cloth” covering the groin area where they believe the seed of their godhood nature is kept.

  3. Fairy Falls, Colonnade Falls, and Mystic Falls were considered more spiritual areas. That is where they will be sent to have mystical experiences and for meditation. Mystical experiences will include sexual magik. They are considered safe havens in the park. If a hunted person ends up there during a hunt, it is considered a refuge. But sooner than later, they find they cannot survive in that area, especially with the cold nights without exposing themselves to the very Brotherhood who are hunting them. They will be lured out so they can be killed. That is why Old Faithful Inn (3200 Old Faithful Inn Rd, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190) is located in that area. Those who are considered retired and too old to hunt in woods will lounge and engage in preying on small children for sexual magik or whomever may happen by chance to wander in.


The second Brotherhood Order in charge at Yellowstone is signified by the White Buffalo on the Yellowstone sigil. This represents the Order of the White Buffalo. (See Exhibit F: https://www.gloklahoma.com/order-of-the-sacred-white-buffalo/) I believe this order is recent and was not present in the 80s in my experience.

However, there are some connections I feel are important, this includes areas where I witnessed crimes being committed against children that now seems to be managed by the Order of the White Buffalo in the Yellowstone area.

In my experience in the 80s, there were a couple locations used for underground markets and the rape, torture, and sexual exploitation of young children by older men and women in the System.

  1. Buffalo Ranch in the Lemar Valley. I remember this area being highly connected to the supply and chain. It was used in connection with the human meat market.(See Exhibit H)

  2. White Buffalo Hotel located at: 236 Dunraven St/ West Yellowstone, Montana 59758(See Exhibit I)This area was used by several elite in the area for the sexual exploitation of children.

Several individuals connected to the management of Yellowstone National Park were connected to these areas.

The third Brotherhood Order who has authority and jurisdiction in the Yellowstone area is the Ancient Order of Foresters and Tall Trees signified by the tree in the Yellowstone sigil.

This order can be seen more easily by their representation of members in graveyards. The gravestones will be shaped like tree trunks, they will be decorated with lilies, ivy, or vines. They could have forest equipment such as saws, hammers, and axes. Usually, they have a circular sigil on them with the Order of Foresters and Tall Trees motto in Latin written on them.(See examples in Exhibit J pics 1-3)


PART 2: Crimes are Committed in Brotherhood Circles

In the System, those in regional authority appear to be above the law. It does not matter which country they are in. They have “free access” to go and be wherever they desire and to commit crimes and have them covered up in those areas. That is part of the Brotherhood code.

You are your brother’s keeper and if your brother commits a crime, it is your duty to cover your brother’s sin to the fullest of your ability. Crimes in the Brotherhood and Sovereign Military are committed with the majority of those in your circle present.

This is a safeguard for everyone in the circle. If one person decides to tell, the circle has a choice, either they get the one who told under control or they will all be discovered.

This is why when I chose to start speaking out about the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order, some individuals began contacting my family in the Brotherhood and making comments that I am “unwell” and that my family needs to get me help or get me under control.

They do this because they do not want the truths about what they do in secret to be made known. It is common in the Brotherhood to have multiple circles and the number is limitless and based only on whether a circle accepts you or not. Some circles and orders do have requirements and prerequisites for entry.

Brotherhood circles are formed across nations. The Code of Silence is the first code one learns in the System and the Code of Brotherhood the second.

Children in training for hierarchy positions in the System are treated like adults and carry the responsibility of such. There were adults in my circle groups. When they committed sins and crimes,

I was expected to remain silent about it and to allow or permit cover up. The Brotherhood connects in regional levels to Law Enforcement, Sheriff’s departments, local military, support services, fire departments, and people in powerful government positions.

The Brotherhood establishes territory that has brotherhood regional managers who are in local positions that enable them to have access to areas needed for training. Some of the individuals who had regional access in my training are named in my formeraffidavits.

You must understand, the Brotherhood are accountable only to the Brotherhood. It is my belief that regional management is established about every ten years. That means every ten years about 8 children (age 4 ½) from each region are selected to be trained in the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars.

I believe these children are bred and have certain characteristics that the System is looking for to fill positions within the System. The Mothers of Darkness, Oracles, and Grand High Priests and Priestesses will be influential in “choosing” these children. Once chosen, the children are “twinned” in pairs for training.

The children who are twinned will be known as “training partners” and know that they are in training together. They are trained within their main circle groups. That means, there are multiple adults involved in their training in the local area.

What do the “teachers” look for when “twinning”? The main teachers are looking for equilibrium between the children they pair. Equilibrium is vital within magik circles.

Initial connections with these children will be made either at a local school with a Luciferian Brotherhood teacher and members of the circle who come into the class as volunteers or within the community which could be through “field trips”.

[caption id="attachment_5229" align="aligncenter" width="520"]


Order of the Sacred White Buffalo[/caption]

The main teacher who is in the class with the children will already have a heads up on the children in the area that are being considered for Sovereign Military training. The children will be paired as follows:

  1. The children are paired by the type of elemental magik they are drawn to. One child will represent fire magik, the other water magik or one child will represent earth magik and the other air magik. So, one pair will always consist of fire and water and the other of earth and air. This has to do with direction and the magnetic aligning within ritual circles. One pair will represent North/South, the other West/East.

  2. One child will be considered masculine, the other feminine (this can deal with birthdates and times).

  3. One child will prefer good while the other prefers evil in making decisions and choices.

  4. One child will be compliant while the other rebels against the System.

  5. One child who be able to control the other through leverage.

Out of the eight children, two will be chosen to be the leaders in the Sovereign Military training. My training partner Douglas John Killrush Mysecko and I were chosen to be the leaders in our little circle groups.

These little circle groups starts with a total of eight children and is quickly weeded down to three groups of two that will continue in intensive training under a Nazi Defense Magik specialist.

This individual will be the children’s direct contact to the U.S. Military and the Military Bases. I believe this individual usually lives a cover as a “grandparent” to one of the two children. That grandparent will be called “grandfather” or “grandmother”.

When the children are in public, they only use the English version to identify that individual’s relation to them. However, if they are in training, the Nazi Defense teacher is known by the Ukrainian variant of the word which is “didus” for grandfather or “babusya” for grandmother.

This is according to how Nazi Michael Karkoc set the training program up to run within the United States. In training, my training partner and I called Nazi Michael Karkoc, “Did Mihail” which means “Grandfather Michael”.

After the children are connected to a Nazi Defense teacher, they are connected to two local training centers to begin regional training. In my experience, the two locations were local Jesuit Catholic Churches. Our intensive training occurred at:

  1. Cathedral of St. Peter in Rockford, IL

  2. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Casper, WY

Both these facilities are similar in structure and layout. They both have buildings that are used as schools. They are in central areas in their communities.

They have extensive underground areas and are connected to ritual walls underground that extend throughout their communities. These are also close in vicinity to areas the Sovereign Military use to commit crimes, both residential and non-residential.

Why are two facilities that are similar in structure and layout chosen? I believe it is a safeguard in case one of the children begins to talk.

As the children begin training, they also are initiated into their main circle group within the community. I believe this initiation begins in the middle of the night as Brotherhood and Sovereign Military members meet up in the yard of one of the two top children chosen and murder their family in the front yard of their community.

The two children are forced to stand in a straight posture without touching each other. They are told that they must watch and if they close their eyes or turn away, they will be killed. Both children watch as those in their circle group graphically rape, torture, and kill family members of the one child.

The child whose family dies is placed in the care of the Ukrainian Defense teacher to begin intensives. That child’s training is more intense since they do not have any family or cover life to go home to.

It is my belief that the child living with the Ukrainian Defense teacher is selected to be trained as a main regional leader over the protector departments or to head up a regional Sovereign Military circle where needed.

What does intensive training look like? It is living hell mixed with art, music, dance, and defense magik. Children in intensives are:

  1. either sexually abused or considered “untouchable”.

  2. either “Encouraged” and “forced” to have oral/anal sex or forced to watch others engage in such activities.

  3. introduced to p*rnography and masturbation at the age of five.

  4. physically assaulted, beaten, whipped, hit and tortured. There is a strong love/hate relationship that develops. Your abuser who causes you pain and suffering also becomes the one who is in control of your healing and comfort in training.

  5. abused with food. My abuse with food would contain threats of human meat or the meat of pets or animals I liked that were killed.

I remember one time I saw a cat when we had arrived at one of the houses we were training at. I thought it was so sweet and had knelt down to pet it. Later, I was thrown into a basem*nt and forced to watch as my Proctor strangled and skinned the cat.

That night, when my family got home, my Proctor made comments at dinner directed towards me that alluded to the fact that the cat was the meat in the casserole. At other times, the threats were worse, and meals would include human meat or sausages.

A child in training cannot risk breaking the silence because the lives of their family or training partner’s family are on the line. They quickly learn that every decision made affects the other.

  1. The children in intensives are taught operations of supply and chain. This includes how to kill, how to prepare human meat, and how to transport System assets from one location to another. Preparing human meat includes hanging, skinning, gutting, cutting, preserving, grinding, and sausage making.

  2. They are also taught how to protect themselves and cover up evidence of their crimes.

A community is involved in these children’s training and rearing in the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military.


PART 3:Ritual Murders, Hunting and Training Grounds

I have brought out in the Greenbrier, Alton Towers, and Priestessaffidavits how the Brotherhood System profits and that they work with governmental agencies, associations, foundations, and societies to receive governmental and state funding. They profit by:

  1. Purchasing and owning land that they use to commit crimes on. An example of this is the Rotary Park in Casper, Wyoming which was established at the base of the Casper Mountain. At the top of that mountain, you have a ritual ground known as Crimson Dawn. You also have ritual ground under the mountain. There are also several campgrounds in the area connected to Brotherhood Clubs and Churches in the community.

  2. The land, buildings, or properties they purchase are established under certain titles that then distinguish properties. Such titles include: “parks”, “recreational areas”, “historical”, “museum”, “reserve”, etc. The primary purposes for this are for monitoring and securing funding. Monitoring enables Brotherhood members to secure entrances and exits into wooded and underground areas or provide peripheral security. At Yellowstone and the Casper Wyoming Rotary Park, some of the outdoor entrances and exits can be accessed through culverts, water sheds, cabins, or grounds buildings. This set up allows Brotherhood members to “live” in areas as rangers, grounds crew, law enforcement, or security to monitor who is in the territory or to act as “watchers” for ritual events and human hunting parties.

  3. They work with DMV, Transportation, Parks and Rec, and other federally funded governmental departments or private-owned programs. Who really owns the land? Is it owned by “We the People”? Under the guise of prevention, protection, and development the System profits and pays those who work in the Brotherhood and Sovereign Military for crimes they commit and the cover up of those crimes on property that is supposed to belong and be governed by “We the People”.

  4. They create a reason to secure the area. Some create “legends” and “tales” in case stories surface to aid in cover up. Like the “Seven Witches” story for the Casper Mountain. The legend has it that the seven witches found a portal and could open an area under the mountain. What is the System really covering up? They are covering up ritual and mass holding grounds under the mountain. This ritual ground is memorialized at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Casper, Wyoming where they have inscribed a memorial to the “unborn”. What does that mean? Why inscribe a memorial to all the “unborn”. If they claim it is to aborted babies, technically, those infants are born during the process of being aborted. So, what does it really mean? The imagery they use on the memorial to the “unborn” shows ritual grounds where infants are slaughtered near the Waterfall at the Rotary Park and Crimson Dawn.

“Extinction” or “Rare” are terms also used to classify Brotherhood ritual areas and secure funding. For instance, in the UK, property was secured by the Arachnid Society claiming there was a “rare” type of arachnid. What was really being covered up was an unmarked military DUMB on the land. The classification gave the Brotherhood complete control of the lands and the cavern access points into the underground in that area.


Grounds Used For Ritual Use

I’ve talked about the rituals that occur for hierarchy children in the System. Starting at age 12, the boys will be aroused to have their first penetrations vagin*lly.

They are put into camp-like situations where they are aroused for several days, but not allowed to vagin*lly have sex with girls. As they go through the 12-year-old ritual, they will assault and penetrate girls that are tied up in an area where the rituals are taking place.

(I described such a ritual I witnessed occurring at the “Biltmore” owned by the Vanderbilts.) After that, they will be encouraged to engage in sexual immorality. In fact, the High Priests like to tell the hierarchy boys that it is God’s will for them to “be fruitful and multiply”.

During the spring and fall equinox rituals, boys 12-years-old to adults will impregnate girls in their regional areas starting as young as age 10. After impregnation, at the next equinox, the infants will be prematurely birthed.

The young girls usually have a type of delirium given to them. They are given a drink that induces premature labor. The delivery can be in the woods or a breeder program if they are enrolled in one of those. The area of delivery just depends on how the regional area runs things.

I saw different scenarios throughout my experience in the Luciferian Brotherhood for equinox deliveries.

  1. I witnessed ritual premature deliveries and killings in what is considered the Most Northern Area in the Brotherhood, near the Madison Wisconsin area. I witnessed these occur in the woods located near the Junior High Camps connected to the Baraboo Circus area, the Island by our family cabin, and underground at St. Peter’s Church in Ashton, Wisconsin. In these places, the deliveries were aided by Mothers of Darkness and High Priestesses in the area. The rituals were performed by Clara Odilia Acker Church, the other Mothers of Darkness, and High Priestesses in the area. The girls delivering their first born were encouraged to kill the infant and were elevated in stature in the System if they did.

  2. In Chicago and West Virginia areas I witnessed the equinox deliveries occur at the Chicago Breeder Program, Greenbrier Breeder Facility, and at Bush’s Island nearby. The deliveries were facilitated by the Breeder Program doctors and nurses. These individuals were Nazis and connected to Tavistock.

  3. In the Wyoming area, these births occurred at Crimson Dawn and the area above the waterfall that is now managed by the Rotary Club. The birthing area rotates in Casper. And at times, deliveries were done below ground under the mountain, or in the ritual area underground below the tree where the memorial is at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. In this area, some of the Sovereign Military boys in training would be present at the birth of their firstborn child. I witnessed these boys being encouraged to kill the child. If they did, they would be elevated in status.

  4. I witnessed equinox premature births and ritual killings in the upper Northwestern woods at Yellowstone National Park and in the Nazi facility underground.

Lack of Accountability Gives Way to Unreported Murders

With grounds protected, the Brotherhood operates in the area with no outside auditing or accountability outside of the Brotherhood System. They establish protocols that they say are for the public’s “protection” and “prevention”.

These same protocols also become their safety and keep others from outside the System from getting involved in their business, especially during night hours.

Non-compliance to hours of operation listed on signs posted to the public becomes willing consent to possible dire consequences. How they see it is that the sign is a warning.

You have been warned, if you are in their territory when you are not supposed to be, you now have given willing consent for whatever may happen to you while there. So many individuals go missing, but did they really go missing in the first place? Many deaths or kidnappings are covered up as “missing persons”.

They are taken captive and brought into the underground cities and tortured until they die. There are those who wish they could die, but death eludes them. There are places underground that literally are living hell.

As a child, I saw people in the System who messed up. They committed what the System deemed as sins and that usually ended in their demise.

I saw them brought in from areas outside of Wyoming by “Wolves” and dropped at dusk in the woods somewhere in the Yellowstone area. Then, the hunting games would begin.

This was a regular occurrence when I was there. One such individual was called “Pipeline Pete”. That was not his real name. Years later, after he declared missing, his remains were found in Sweetwater, Wyoming.

The Sheriff said his real name was Jack Clawson. There were lots of unknowns surrounding the circ*mstances of Jack’s death.

In 1982, I witnessed the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars including sheriffs from Casper, Laramie, Sweetwater, and surrounding areas hunt and kill Pipeline Pete.

The story was that he ran young teen girls through the pipeline (the trafficking trails) from outside areas to Casper. He fell in love with “goods” (one of the girls). The System found out. The Sovereign Military took the matter into their own hands and gathered members together.

That night, they collected Pipeline Pete and had a hearing. “Sampled goods” was the sentence the Sovereign Military declared over him, and he was taken out and hunted by the Sovereign Military from multiple jurisdictions.

Pipeline Pete’s was not the only death I witnessed occurring in the Wyoming area. The first death I witnessed in Yellowstone was on the old wood bridge that crossed a smaller portion of the canyon.

Yellowstone used to allow school tours across the bridge. It was a week after I had been forced to cross the old, wood, slat bridge at Neuschwanstein where I witnessed a murder. I was terrified my Proctor would throw me off like the child in Germany.

My Proctor threatened that I’d regret not crossing the bridge at Yellowstone. I refused to step foot on it. A week later, a child died on a school trip by falling off that bridge. After that, Yellowstone took the wood slotted bridge down. I believe that also was in the Spring of 1982.

Another attack involved a “wolf” in the Sovereign Military who mutilated a man to scare him into compliance. The man was taken to a local hospital and later it was said that he had been mauled by a bear.

The missing and lost are part of the System’s supply chain. They create ways to receive Government and Project funding for their criminal activity. The Light side of the System has always been influential in the “covering up” of crimes. They make their efforts look good with a “form of godliness” and for the “betterment for humanity and animals”.

What are they protecting? “Wildlife”, “prevention”, and “protection” become a cover for their crimes committed against children and humanity.


Movement of Supply and Chain

There are two types of supply and chain in the Yellowstone area. First, you have those who are considered lost or missing. Second, you have mass amounts of individuals who are brought in on trains and semi-trucks by law enforcement or Sovereign Military.

As a child, I witnessed underground shipping coming in from the Cheyenne Mountain area (NORAD), the Colorado area, the Dakotas, and Montana.

Additional Concerns for Investigation in the Area

  • The Mammoth Hot Springs Post Office in Yellowstone is distinguished with three archways. This indicates the Post Office sits on what is considered a Northern wall underground. Ritual altars are built on the western walls.(See Exhibit K)

  • Within the Brotherhood there are some things I’d like to establish on the record. First, priestesses are taught to do embalming. The groups that do are trained under the Priestesses of Delphi and the daughters of the Nile. They are taught in ancient Egyptian art forms of death, dying, and after-life techniques. They are classified under the Brotherhood Order of the Pheonix and under the Brotherhood Order called the Shriners. Also, under the Shriners you have an order called the Order of Quetzalcoatl or Q. They also call their members “coates”. What is important to know is that they themselves report that originally this order was used to “transport” funds for the Shriners Hospitals through Mexico to the United States. I believe this needs to be investigated further to connections in light of all I’ve revealed about the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military and their crimes against children and humanity.



  • Exhibit A: Yellowstone National Park Sigil

  • Exhibit B: Gate of Baal

  • Exhibit C & D: Brotherhood of Odin Symbols

  • Exhibit E: Geographical View of Wewelsburg spear structure

  • Map of Waterfalls in Yellowstone

  • Exhibit F: Picture of Chittim Bridge

  • Exhibit G: Picture of Isolation Falls

  • Order of the White Buffalo Grand Lodge

Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, A.F. & A.M.,
All Rights Reserved.
102 South Broad * Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 * P.O. Box 1019 Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044
Telephone: (405) 282 3212 * Fax: (405) 282 3244

  • Exhibit H: Lemar Valley Buffalo Ranch

  • Exhibit I: White Buffalo Hotel

  • Exhibit J: 3 Pics of examples of Order of Foresters and Tall Trees

  • Exhibit K: Mammoth Hot Springs Post Office







by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 14, 2023 – USA

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Many of the affidavits of Jessie Marie Czebotar published by TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS have been filed with the United States District Court-MN, United States Military Criminal Investigation Division at Fort Campbell, U.S. Military at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin (Counterterrorism), Office of the U.S. Army Provost Marshall General, Wisconsin, Office of the Texas Governor, Attorney Steven Scott Biss, and President (Commander in Chief) Donald J. Trump via his attorneys.



Today, we are publishing a written statement from Jessie Marie Czebotar. It is part of an affidavit being drafted by Czebotar. This preliminary portion is being published in good faith as a potential matter of public safety and National Security.


PART 1: Areas and Modes of Operation Through National Parks and Forests

In this affidavit, I’d like to bring forward additional areas and modes of operation used by the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars that I witnessed from 1981-1987. Those involved in the Brotherhood are part of a System.

This System is run and managed regionally by the System’s five departments which include: Masons, Mormons, Jesuit Catholics, Satanists, and Kabbalah.

The Quadrant heads who are part of the Satanic Council, Grand High Priests and Grand High Priestesses, and their regional heads (High Priests and Priestesses) are Nazis and serve a foreign government and military. That foreign government and military being the Luciferian Brotherhood.

At the top of the Luciferian Brotherhood System you have two governing bodies that oversee the quadrants. The old System was known as the Babylon System and was financially backed by the Vatican.

It was symbolized by the color blue and known as Rome. The old system is currently being transferred to the new system which is called the Leviathan System and financially backed by the Sanhedrin in Israel.

This system is also called Judah and recognized by the color red. This change of power can be recognized regionally. Previously, each regional territory was recognized by circular city sigils that were placed at the entrances of cities and on governmental buildings.

These sigils established the demonic authorities over the area and the Brotherhood orders that would be governing in those areas. The new signs are rectangular. They simply have the city name and do not show which Brotherhood Orders have authority in the area.

In Yellowstone, we see such a sigil as you enter the park. The sigil is in the form of a spear head pointed downward. In the middle we see imagery of a white buffalo, a tree, and mountains.

(See Exhibit A)What does this tell the upper Brotherhood members about who in the Brotherhood has authority and jurisdiction over the area? First, we see the gate of Baal at the upper Northwest area of the National Park.

(See Exhibit B)This gate tells us that Baal is one of the main deities worshipped at Yellowstone. We know Biblically from history that Baal also demands child and blood sacrifice. It also tells us there are spiritual gate connections to Babylon and other locations where the gates of Baal are erected. There are three main Brotherhood orders that have upper authority and jurisdiction in Yellowstone.

First, the Order of Odin: this is symbolized in the Yellowstone Sigil by the mountain peaks that represent the mountains of Ragnarök where the Brotherhood members of this order believe Odin reigns.

a)This means that the Yellowstone area will be connected and working with the three Military Bases I’ve testified about that are called Ragnarök. So that includes: The Dumb in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, the DUMB off Greenland known as Antarctica up there, and the South Pole Dumb known also as Antarctica or Antarctica down there. There are two more Bases I know to be connected to this area. One is NORAD. The other is NELLIS Air Force Base.

b)Additionally, we see the spear of Odin signified in the shape of the sigil.(See Exhibits C-D)This same shape was used in the building and design of Wewelsburg Castle which was one of Hitler’s main bases of operation. You can see it in the ariel geographical view of the castle.(See Exhibit E)So, what does this tell us about Yellowstone? It tells us there is a Nazi main base of operation underground facility located underground that is connected to Wewelsburg Castle. As I child, I experienced these locations being used as main bases of operation and strategy by the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order.Brotherhood of Odin Symbols used by Nazis at Wewelsburg Castle:https://www.mimisbrunnr.info/ksd-nazi-germany-and-extremist-symbols

c)We see this territory marked by the Brotherhood of Odin in the names of the waterfalls. I have outlined how I witnessed these areas being used by the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military in 1981-1987. I witnessed an underground tunnel network and transportation system, as well as different Nazi facilities under Yellowstone National Park.(See Map of Falls)

d)The main entrance to the secret city of Asgard being located near Asgard Falls. The sign of Asgard being the representation of the falls and of the tower of Asgard in the Tower Falls. Other entrances are located across the bridge (now called Chittenden Bridge)(See Exhibit F)at the Upper Falls, and a lower underwater entrance at Isolation Falls by waterfall called the Midst of Trident Falls.

There were two concerns about this area. First,Trident Falls is one of the locations where one of the underground decommissioned Poseidon Missiles filled with bio-chemical warfare was seen. If it were to be set off, it would affect Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho areas through the waterways.We would enter underground caverns under the water at Isolation Falls.(See Exhibit G) There is a spiritual gate in the water there that also has direct connections to Karpathos Island in Greece and several other temples where priestesses worship in the System as outlined in the Greenbrier and Alton Towers affidavits.

e)The Foxhole Falls is over the underground DEN in the 1980s where the Protectors in the System who are wolves would meet and train. Wolves are a position that is considered an upper Sovereign Military select order.They will be assigned to protect elite members in the area or provide peripheral protection for human hunting parties and rituals in the area. The Midst of Trident Falls is one of the areas above ground where the “wolves” spear fish humans during hunts. The name of the falls signifies what is permitted in that area. The DEN is also the area where local Sovereign Military connected to the KKK will meet. All Dragons (leader name for the KKK) have DENS.

f)Apron Falls signifies an area where the brotherhood and Sovereign Military can “sow their seed”. The apron in Masonry is seen as a “holy cloth” covering the groin area where they believe the seed of their godhood nature is kept.

g)Fairy Falls, Colonnade Falls, and Mystic Falls were considered more spiritual areas. That is where they will be sent to have mystical experiences and for meditation. They are considered safe havens in the park. If a hunted person ends up there during a hunt, it is considered a refuge. But sooner than later, they find they cannot survive in that area, especially with the cold nights without exposing themselves to the very Brotherhood who are hunting them. They will be lured out so they can be killed. That is why Old Faithful Inn(3200 Old Faithful Inn Rd, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190) is located in that area. Those who are considered retired and too old to hunt in woods will lounge and engage in preying on small children for sexual magik or whomever may happen by chance to wonder in.

The second Brotherhood Order in charge at Yellowstone is signified by the White Buffalo on the Yellowstone sigil. This represents the Order of the White Buffalo. (See Exhibit F:https://www.gloklahoma.com/order-of-the-sacred-white-buffalo/) I believe this order is recent and was not present in the 80s in my experience.

However, there are some connections I feel are important. In my experience in the 80s, there were a couple locations used for underground markets and the rape, torture, and sexual exploitation of young children by older men and women in the System.

a)Buffalo Ranch in the Lemar Valley. I remember this area being highly connected to the supply and chain.It was used in connection to the human meat market.(See Exhibit H)

b)White Buffalo Hotel located at: 236 Dunraven St/ West Yellowstone, Montana 59758(See Exhibit I)This area was used by several elite in area for the sexual exploitation of children.

Several individuals connected to the management of Yellowstone National Park were connected to these areas.

The third Brotherhood Order who has authority and jurisdiction in the Yellowstone area is the Ancient Order of Foresters and Tall Trees signified by the tree in the Yellowstone sigil.

This order can be seen easiest by their representation of members in graveyards. The gravestones will be shaped like tree trunks, they will be decorated with lilies, ivy, or vines. They could have forest equipment such as saws, hammers, and axes. Usually, they have a circular sigil on them with their motto in Latin written on them.


Jessie Marie Czebotar has given sworn statements to the U.S. court, affirming that as a child she observed Hillary Clinton and other global leaders engaged in the torture, rape, murder, and cannibalism of children.

Czebotar personally witnessed Elon Musk being sexually assaulted with an object linked to a statue of Jesus. She has provided extensive information about covert military operations involving child abuse and crimes against humanity.

Czebotar discussed a conspiracy called the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars. She has entered classified military facilities and can accurately describe their interiors. Czebotar wishes to offer testimony to the Weaponization of the Federal Government subcommittee.

Growing numbers of Americans online and on social media are advocating for Congress to officially question Czebotar under oath. Czebotar has published a request for support, asking individuals to contact her atCzebotarj@gmail.comto have their names added to a petition.

Czebotar’s Twitter – – –Jessie Czebotar (@CzebotarJessie) / Twitter

Czebotar’s TRUTH SOCIAL – – –@czebotarjessie | Truth Social



Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. He is an FBI witness in a national profile kidnapping case. He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. He has been targeted for a decade. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Timothy Holmseth is the only reporter authorized to report original content for the PPTF. There is ONE MAN between Timothy Holmseth and PresidentTrump.



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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.